Has anyone here had the special joy of being pulled over for speeding? Yes, I’m sue you have. Maybe you were caught off guard, your mind was somewhere else and you just weren’t paying attention. It’s ok, I’m not judging you. Or maybe you knew you were going a bit faster than the posted limit and you just got busted. As the officer makes his way over to the car, you diligently put your hands on the steering wheel, hoping you remembered to put your seat belt on, and also hoping that they will be in a good mood, and praying that you might get off with a warning. But no. He’s in a bad mood. He had an argument with his wife that morning. His coffee was cold. He didn’t get to finish his donut before having to respond to a call. And he’s pretty sure the girl at the counter Was giving him the evil eye because he didn’t give her the now obligatory 20% tip for handing him his overpriced donut and coffee. And now there you are, with your silly pout trying to look all innocent and frail. It ain’t working. You find out he has you clocked at 15 over the limit. He writes you up and you get to take home a ticket and need to figure out how much this is going to hurt your pocketbook. You see, you broke the law, whether ignorantly or knowingly, you broke the law and you got caught. And now it’s time to pay the piper. Penalties are incurred for these violations. That ticket will set you back close to $100 and if you get busted in a school zone then fines can be as much a $500. Now just as with our traffic laws, God had prescribed just punishment for breaking his laws. And it is to these we will focus our attention to in CH20.