Sex is big business. And it’s everywhere. It’s all over the tv, it’s what entertains us in movies, it’s in our schools, it’s on social media, there are dating apps, hookup apps, well I think I’ve made my point. It’s everywhere, because sex sells. What used to be taboo, is now commonplace. What used to be shameful is now see. A badge of honor. Sex out of wedlock, well that’s just normal. Everyone sleeps around long before marriage is even discussed, or even enters the mind. If you don’t well you’re regard ed as just strange. The blights on society from pornography, which used to be sold in magazines behind the counter, like cigarettes, now is everywhere, and I mean everywhere. That little gadget you think is a phone, and you thought Jr. should have at 12 so he can stay in touch with you, is a gateway that leads to corruption. And this is what the world has to offer, a corrupted view of sex. What God created, and indeed made beautiful, the world has taken and perverted and twisted and repackaged to entice you to sin. The world says if it feels good then it must be alright. The world would have you believe that you, are the final arbiter, you are the ultimate judge as to what is right and what is wrong. And where has the church been? Largely absent, largely quiet. The church has been dismissed, cast aside, disregarded as prudes. When will we bring God’s word to bear, well we will do it today. Yes boys and girls, we are going to talk about sex. What God has to say is very important. And it’s very important that we do not yield any ground on the subject because God is the ultimate authority on the subject. He made us, and He created us as sexual beings and He made sex, and it is a wonderful and beautiful creation within the bounds it was ordained for. We are moral creatures and He has given us a moral code by which we know what is right and what is wrong.
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