As we’ve been journeying through this book of Leviticus, God has been revealing his holiness and his call for his people to be holy. God says be holy. Why? Because I am holy. God has specified in great detail how he was to be worshipped, how the priests and the people were to conduct themselves in worship, and how they were to live in community with one another. More recently we’ve looked at the feasts of the Lord in ch’s 23-24. And last time we discussed an example given to us in how the people were to handle one who had violated God’s holiness, who had blasphemed and cursed God. In our text this morning we return to the Sabbath principle, but this time it is considered in the context of the promised land. It is the foundational principle for the Sabbath for the land and the Year of Jubilee. God’s holiness in ordaining these was at the heart of each.
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