Last time we met we talked about fear and how going through this experience in our lives, how dealing with COVID-19 has a lot of people worried. Indeed as the numbers of infections continues to increase to over 1000, and the number of deaths also continues to rise, people are wondering, “Is there an end in sight?” I just learned yesterday that Greg’s friend Lenny in Long Island, who we’ve been praying for, was one of those who succumbed to the virus. Gratefully, we can see that the virus has not targeted the young, but still there is an uncertainty during these times that can be stressful, and cause anxiety. While it seems we’ve made it past the toilet paper panic, some have begun to wonder is this judgment from the hand of God? Are we under God’s judgment? And not only us but the rest of the world? The prophetic books are helpful in these times as they were when they were originally penned. But what prophetic books are meant to do is to encourage and remind ourselves of God’s promises. We aren’t to try to figure out a road map, as if God left us a puzzle that will give us some kind of gnostic insight so we can sit back boasting in that we had the end of the world figured out. So with that in mind, let’s look to Joel and see what God’s message is for us this morning.