Ecclesiastes 2:12-17 Death Happens
Colossians 2:11-12 Gospel Fullness Now
John 1:4-5, 9-12 Revelation of Light
Bible Text: Hebrews 2:14-16 | Preacher: Pastor Arnold | Series: Hebrews | Hebrews 2:14-16 Jesus Helps Abraham’s Offspring
I know this might sound obvious to us here, but for the sake of the confused and lost world which attempts to redefine, well just about everything, at the risk of stating the obvious, the deep, deep, profound truth is that boys are different than girls. I know, I know, some of you are like, duh. But seriously, there are a lot of people who reject this basic tenet from our Creator. It is rebellious, it is illogical, it is insane, it is destructive, but there you have it. So in this chapter we are going to discuss the laws regarding bodily discharge, or secretions, from males and females. I imagine some of you might be a little grossed out, but it’s here in the Bible and so it’s important and worthwhile for our consideration and edification. These laws were given for men and women. We have different issues but we still have issues. Wow, another profound statement! Let’s go to the text.