Christmas time! The spirit of giving, singing, making joyful melody in the heart. Warm and fuzzy commercials on TV. Like I remember the Folgers commercial where the young man comes home from college and sneaks in the house and wakes everybody up with the aroma of fresh coffee. The trouble with all the sentimentality and commercialism is we lose sight of the real reason for Christmas. We run the risk of making the holiday, the holy day, an unholy day, without the true focus being on God. We the church, must never forget the real story of Christmas. It is amazing to think that God would become man so that he would die as a man in order to save the lives of man. There are two birth narratives in the gospels, one is Luke’s account, but this morning we consider Matthew’s account. This amazing news of Jesus’ birth is at first unsettling, especially to Joseph. But as God reveals his plan, Joseph not only comes to accept the news, but it becomes the best news ever, because his salvation is evidenced by his obedience.
Advent season. We are right in the middle of the advent season. Christians, this is the time of the year when we look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus, the incarnation. But it's also a time when we remember the promise of his return, the second coming, the second advent. In a text this morning we will consider his birth and how God had fulfilled his promise to send the Messiah, his chosen one who would save his people. So as we dig into our text this morning we will find the characters of the shepherd's, the angels, and the amazing plan of God in sovereignly orchestrating the giving of the good news. I pray that as you hear this message this morning you find yourself relating to the shepherds and see that God speaks to you wherever you are.
Thanksgiving holiday is upon us. Maybe when you hear of Thanksgiving you think of a big feast, huge turkey and all the yummy sides that go with it. Maybe the Norman Rockwell painting comes to mind with everyone gathered at the table with grandma placing the big bird down as grandpa oversees with approval. Or maybe it’s the football games, sitting around the big screen, cheering on your favorite team. Or maybe it’s just enjoying the family time, getting to catch up with your relatives. Maybe someone will have the opportunity to hear a history lesson of how the observance of the holiday came to be. Maybe, and I would hope that many of us here in this room, would take the opportunity of remembrance and giving thanks to our God. And that’s why I selected this text in Nehemiah this morning. In it we will find the occasion to praise God and to celebrate.
Bible Text: Acts 28:11-31 | Preacher: Pastor Arnold | Series: Acts | Acts 28:11-31 Be Encouraged. Win My Family. And Win Others.
If you’ve ever been in a life or death experience, or know someone who has, you might’ve said afterwards, “How did I survive that?” I’ve seen video footage of race car wrecks where the car is totally demolished and then the driver climbs out amazingly unscathed. Or when survivors are pulled out of destroyed buildings from earthquakes or mudslides. The question comes back, “How were you not killed?” In wartime some soldiers who survived returned sharing horrific memories of how they lived but their buddy just mere inches away was killed. And they are left wondering “why was I spared?” One of the most moving lines in the movie Saving Private Ryan is at the end when the rescued soldier, the now Older Veteran, is standing at the grave site of the platoon leader who gave his life to bring him back home, and he turns to his wife and asks her to tell him he’s led a good life, that he’s a good man. Has he wondered all these years if his escape from death was worth all those who perished getting him out from the front lines? That question of “why I am I still here” is one that also crosses our minds from time to time, especially considering the many times it seems when we should have not survived. We have one of those death defying incidents in our text this morning. But what is more significant is the meaning behind this survival.
Military Missions have curious code names: Operation Overlord, Operation Rolling Thunder, Operation Red Dawn, Operation Urgent Fury, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Desert Fox, and there was one even code named Operation Wrath of God. The methodology for naming the campaigns is fascinating, even for fake missions like “operation mincemeat.” One of the more famous ones in recent history was named Operation Enduring Freedom launched in 2001. What if your mission was named Enduring Suffering? How many would sign up for that one? Or operation Enduring Patience? These missions don’t connote quick strikes or urgency. And many of us would rather cut short any suffering or trials than have to endure them. But we endure to the end. Paul wrote to run the race in such a way as to win the prize. And you don’t win anything if you quit. You don’t win for tapping out. Let’s dig in to our text.
Have you ever been scared, so scared that you felt hopeless? Maybe you’ve were in a car accident, maybe encountered a life threatening situation, or survived a scary medical condition. Maybe you suffered a painful divorce and things looked hopeless. Was there anything or anyone in particular that gave you hope? Or if you were a believer, did you find hope in the Lord, in your faith? Sometimes when we’re engulfed in those type of circumstances we can lose any sense of hope. This is the kind of fear and hopelessness we find in our text this morning. But there is hope to be found. God has not abandoned his man.
Friends. Who needs them? Well in truth, we all do! It’s good to have friends. Friends who will be by your side through the thick and thin. But sometimes they let us down. Think of Job and how his friends treated him, or his wife for that matter. “My breath is strange to my wife, and I am a stench to the children of my own mother. Even young children despise me; when I rise they talk against me. All my intimate friends abhor me, and those whom I loved have turned against me.” (Job 19:17-19) and yet in Scripture we find, “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24) Who is that friend and who are we supposed to be friends with? John ends his 3rd letter with: “Peace be to you. The friends greet you. Greet the friends, each by name.” (3 John 1:15) There is no greater friend than to be friends with Jesus, and his bride, the church. Paul had both, I hope each one here this morning can say the same.
If you’re into watching sports, then you’ll be familiar with the pre-game show. Where they hype up the game, and they explore many different facets of the game. Inevitably there will be a segment where they will cover keys to the game. These points are a strategy outlining what they feel is necessary for a particular team to accomplish the goal which is ultimately to win the game. Week by week coaches come up with a game plan and the players are to go out and execute the plan and hopefully achieve the desired outcome. In the business world, and beyond, it is not uncommon to have a mission statement. But what are the steps needed to accomplish the mission? It’s a strategy, a strategic plan. And when it comes to witnessing, to sharing the gospel, we could ask ourselves, do we have a strategy? Got a game plan? Our text this morning gives us the opportunity to explore the strategy employed by Paul as he witnessed before King Agrippa. Then maybe we can incorporate these steps and have a strategic plan going forward.
Bible Text: Acts 26:12-23 | Preacher: Pastor Arnold | Series: Acts | Acts 26:12-23 Jesus Changes Everything! The New Paul